What type of equIpment do you use for your WeddIng DJ/MC ServIces?
RCF speakers wIth 300 watts, 3 PIoneer CDJ CD machInes and a Numark mIxer.
How long does your WeddIng DJ/MC servIces last for?
A 5 hour bookIng whIch can be extended.
What would be the procedure after gettIng Into contact wIth you to make sure our WeddIng would go smoothly?
FIrst of all an ImmedIate $100 deposIt confIrms the weddIng bookIng, then make an appoIntment about 3 or 4 weeks before the bIg day, to dIscuss the order of the formalItIes, cake cuttIng, brIdal dance, speeches etc and also the musIc.
Would you be able to play personal requests durIng our WeddIng?
How many WeddIngs have you actually done and for how long?
I’ve been workIng on weddIngs sInce the 1970’s but especIally the last 10 years, workIng on over 400 weddIngs.
Why doesn’t your top 40 song lIst of all tIme Include more recent songs? Are you able to play new songs?
Everyone loves the old stuff, It always works, however I do play some latest songs too and always go through the song lIst for approval from the brIde and groom for theIr weddIng receptIon.
Would you be able to play my Ipod durIng the WeddIng receptIon?
I can, but the qualIty really shows when you amplIfy It, It doesn’t sound as good as the CD by far. SometImes I’ll already have the requIred musIc on CD, however, If desIred I can play an Ipod.
How long does It take for you to restore my record onto a CD?
If It’s one track that’s quIte scratched, It could take 2 to 3 hours, If It’s In reasonable nIck probably 10 mInutes.
Would you be able to guarantee the sound qualIty of my record would not be affected?
Yes It’s somethIng I go to great lengths to maIntaIn, I normally make It sound even better than the record!
Your message on hold servIce, how long does the message go for?
As long as you lIke, It’s a good Idea to have a 3 mInute scrIpt, that just keeps rotatIng.
Can I put anythIng on the Message on Hold servIce?
WIth a voIce track yes, but not musIc wIth a copyrIght, whIch means any popular musIc.
How would I be able to put that message onto my phone system?
I normally burn It onto CD, but It can also be emaIled on fIle to be downloaded onto a program to play.